Thursday, March 19, 2009

Possibility of an African child.

It is quite amazing what influence the west can have on the rest of the world.Americans pretty much chest a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. How do they do it? Not everyone has a geek billion idea like Gates so it is not about their IQ.Unless you are a Kennedy it wouldn't be about patriotism.

I think it is about their planning and economical consciousness about money.I mean if they break up in a relationship it's either a song or a moving picture that pockets millions from every flag on earth, maybe except Cuba. They make their country a place of possibility.Why can't we?

Where i come from you can write a book and not get published until a termite mound grows on it. How about making a film and the only award it gets is being the most pirated movie.

I will not suddenly turn into an American, i am an African and that makes me proud.We dig Gold and all this fancy raw materials and in few months we buy jewellery at a fat price of what we owned beneath,that's bad.We suppress our health systems by spending a million on a Christmas party in a hospital whereas you can't even point a single syringe in the theatre .Lets make Africa a better place so that what we face in the future might come at an easy pace that would opportune our kids to a better future.

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