Thursday, April 23, 2009

goin once!, twice! and the answer is sold

Like many of the bloggers i was also fast to jump on the high horse and bluff about American politics early in the beginning of the year.Maybe it is time to return the favour and bluff about my country's politics.

Yesterday South Africans went to the polls.I had an intention not to cast my share of exercising the democratic right.But patriotism got to my head with extreme temptation and desparation when i compared what my country has been through.

Fifteen minutes before closure of the voting stations i decided against all the cynical perceptions and casted my own.It was an amazing feeling marking the ballot,i then realised that voting is an important part of our democracy.I love my country.

It doesn't matter if congress is called cabinet in here or a traffic light a robot.That makes me proud and i am willing to vote everytime there is an election.I think that was one political bluff about my country.This is enough afore i spill the beans and hang the carpets against my flag.

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