Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Being covered by avocado and wearing a cotton white robe from a steam engine room is not exactly my idea of sentimental harmony.Yes! Many of us can' t help the bubbling hot water in the Jacuzzi,but is that what we brand euphoria today?

I thought that happiness was about loving, caring and all the emotionality towards it, irrespective of status.Today it is a whole new ball game,the economic world of democratic revolution and resolutions has become very much conducive to capitalists.So i could be filthy rich and just pay a joy transaction and usually suffer the lack of moral entitlement from other people whom you feel you don't belong to now.Money can't buy love but it sure can buy lot of diamond carats,trust me on that one.

Loving is one of the best thing that this world needs, you don't become a humanitarian case because your 'president' calls your country his patriotic 'own' led by dictatorship whilst your stomach groans with a crisis.One element that stands out when loving is mentioned is sharing.Except the insane ideologyof chronic ignorance how on earth can one imply sharing power when his dominancy cause havoc?

Happiness seems to come at a hefty price but for others the y might pay with more than just li fe!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Change we want!

The American politics brings fortunes and expectations,either you live on a mountain where the latest technology is a telegram or in a poor rural area where you search for a phone signal, you will probably say 'i know Barack Obama'.

Today being the inauguration to the presidency one could only hope for change in Africa and maybe the renewal of vows between the west and the east.I might lose my hair whilst scratching my head about this change.What change do you want?Here are some few common ones:

  • NO silence for a man who claims that cholera crisis is a foreign attack from the west ,who else but the bad boy of African politics.
  • On the American radar basis bringing the the troops from Iraq back home would be considered by many as an achievement correcting a war prompted by simply oil and a war that George Bush's father lost to Saddam.
  • Saving the economic sinking ship is a very critical thing for America that needs change, that's if not the stimulus packages don't run into debts with the reckless Wall street.

  • On a humorous degree maybe having Osama as a defence consultative on explosives and terroristic attack management in the White house team would do some change.

Jokes aside, hope this is really the new change that we all have been waiting for and good luck to president Barrack Obama.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The economy in your wallet

it is very much easy to ignore the economic global recession if you dont have a stock exchange board going red in your bathroom like a mirror.With that being said it is nothing less to say that it affects all of us.Yesterday you could fill your market basket to a tower with a two digit price but today you have to sink your eyes into the basket with what you have bought for a three digit price,it's freaky if you ask me.

While CEO's and investors seems to be taking too much of painkillers to survive their losses we at the basic side of economy suffer the high price of food and who knows what -just anything that has a price tag!

As much as Wall street is still crawling and motor industries caught in the sport,bailouts will be the badge brand for rescue packages.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I am just fascinated by the sensibilities of time when i contemplate the ever amazing events of the modern day .Africa to bear the silver lining of the desert crown of spikes and grains of wealth and mutual fragrances of the Sun.Dare he who taints my feathers and paints pollute my camouflage. I'm not a bullet, i come in peace with a ballot to shoot the conscious of the rebel with an X to strike a question mark of choice to peace. I quote the photos of hope when i'm caught with the effort to cope the short vivid pandemonium of dominancy over the power that has no horn to channel for good.I travel in valleys of crystal plumage to the forest of beasts and waterfalls of heavy drops that mesmerize the tears of joy when the damp hearts f ly.I am the enchantment that puzzle the windows that are opportune to the blue skies of alterations.I listen to the silence of the sentence that end with a song t hat praises dusk and dawn when all that ululate curses the beauty that make me sleep.The marble joy that travel the soil of a boy who loves this land. Africa is my home.

Monday, January 12, 2009

poetry:with possibility

Subsequent material of note can only be the basis of what every individual does in this country to put ahead the patriotic will to provide every citizen with needs that suits them through the accordance of structures available.The fabric of our success in economical aspects of our country not only lies in the abundance of raw materials or the beauty of caves that host sacred touristic wonders of admiration to the whole of the world, it also lies within the warm reception that South Africans pour out of their hearts.

The concept of ingenious articulation that mask predicaments by innermost morals of much period honouring the greatest war whom our forefathers fought and be smothered by the gun powder until their bones,when the fury o f their spears led into glory when it dawns.

Artistry of a woman who bears her voice in the chandelier prime to shine over the damp words of whispers in the dark delight of all that envy her beauty.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

patriotism amidst politics

we all love this country that our founding fathers fought for,but what about the daily politics that summon greed and corruption? what can you do to change this country? A MILLION RAND QUESTION!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

what does it mean to you?

To much often if not every new year we set ourself "resolutions". No hard feelings about that except that sometimes we just opt to have one even though we need not.Come on i don't need that kind of pressure from the inconsistent media and all the mambo jambo wonders of fortunes.I say do what works for you, if the tread machine takes your waist size down go for it,rather than being a guinea pig for someone's ideology and principles.