Friday, October 23, 2009

Only you……..

You might not be into a downtown lifestyle of a man who wear a tuxedo and listen to a coughing chaos of opera in the corner cubicle only to smoke a cigar to forget his miseries or how about a guy who cries his bedtime stories into a bottle of whisky. Be it whatever the case the blue moments affects all of us.

Now and then we need little angels in our life to keep us going and sometimes our angels don’t come with aviation bowing 747 advancement. Your angel can be the one person or one thing you despise most.
I wish I could tell you what you have been told before that ‘don’t think about tomorrow or take each day as it comes’ to be able to be aware of those angelic moments in our lifetime, but hey if you don’t think about tomorrow you would probably wear your tie in the car and spit toothpaste out by the car window.

Instead of being told to mediate sitting on a stone with your eyes closed humming your throat to a tune and only to eat nuts for lunch to be aware of your intuition, instincts or spiritual angle to approach life , I say do what makes you okay. Seven steps to some nonsense manual will only make you run to a drug store.

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