Monday, September 29, 2008

Lets Tie The Not!!

Sure walking down an aisle on a path of garden enchantments and aromatic measures of love is not an alphabetic order where vows instruct everything that goes on it. Ere you know it people will be swinging on chairs and knitting socks they can’t fit in. That is how fast life is, especially in matrimony. Why do you think people mummify their faces with concrete cosmetics and Botox syringes that look like chemistry equipments? I mean we all have that freedom about what to do with our bodies, but I would rather look like an aluminum foil than some expensive fancy joke on my face. Aging has taken a tremendous turn these days. At twenty they can’t walk straight and they are old, wow that says a lot about the mathematics of age as just a number. I guess marriage is a trauma for some. Marriage is full of surprises; you might discover that not every guy is Jamie in the kitchen. But it is the little discoveries that make you think if you really know the person whom you are married to. Some annoying habits might arise out of the blue-“oh geez! I didn’t know you snore that loud”. But against all the odds marriages can workout.

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