Monday, February 9, 2009

Excuse me! privy

How much private is your life? You shouldn’t depict a Hollywood script where a Volkswagen microbus with a cleaning emblem on your backyard trying to ear drop with some big time satellite dish. I mean how much privacy are you having if the digits on your bathroom scale is printed in every tabloid you could page? What can I say maybe it comes with the prominence .

Call it whatever you might see it as, but this status thing needs a whole lot more of management to help separate privacy from the life that people always see on the tabloids.
I know it wouldn’t be a royal quest to see the outside of a castle through bars, but life is whole lot better if you have so much freedom and your privacy not compromised.

Take for instances, the last time you listened to the radio you heard that ‘who is divorcing who’ or ‘who can’t manage her weight’. It’s outrageous who cares if I weigh more than a fifty pound pig?

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