Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Day Of Reconciliation
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Humanity –humans in unity-is one element in humans that goes beyond emotional, physiological and spiritual will to explain why we do certain things. In the thin lines of all this, power with other individuals manipulate and take more from the less. We condemn those who strive to do good while we ululate with monuments those who are deceptive and popular like rock stars.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Let's fight even when it's not World Aids Day.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Calculated lies
Conclusive interpretation of individuals is more than just psychology and statistics that physical gestures simulate to personalities. Being that a possibility it is very hard to assign people to what they really are. Criminals don’t come in uniform. It does seem like almost everyone is on disguise. We hide our true feelings and weep at the corner, only to say I am doing fine when the world shines with reality. Excuses?
What we do value creates sense of urgency to our day to day living and by that we can classify what is not important and make an excuse to avoid whatever that it is. Living strategy that bounds us little less to our consciousness I guess!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Recession………..Blame the bankers……
Friday, November 13, 2009
I love you too.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Gun powder plot…………….November the fifth.
Blowing a parliament way back then would have meant something whole lot bigger than most things today. You blow a parliament today and it is international diplomacy, terrorism , ideology and economics at its extreme retaliation. We have this governments united to convince us that sitting in a circle of chairs like some rehabilitation program is the only solution we have. There should be some sort of public voice in that room instead of foreign affairs with headphones only to agree to sanctions.
Yes we try to strive for peace but what happens when peacemakers violate that same principle that they are renowned for? We have international courts hanging people and putting them to sleep like some dogs, we have spiritual leaders shown the exit afore they can even fly, is it normal?
Government is a structure designed for the few and it corrupts us at all channels and it makes it mirror certain to us to such an extent that we hardly question some of the choices made by the few. Oil, money and military affairs are derived from the government desires to control and have more power to such an analytical and strategic capabilities of even invading other countries because ‘some nerd in a suit’ thought there are nuclear weapons when he had breakfast with satellite photos of a mountain in the East.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Know people who know people?
The system can be seen as a recipe for incompetency, no doubt about that, especially if can put any member of your family in any possible department to extend influence and remove ‘obstacles’ that are resistant to your objectives.
Is it corruption? We are people of extending favors-scratch scratch theory you give me a pot of gold in return, how is it different when the same principle is applied in politics?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We Are The World
You have no say in the day unless you pay your own way to the play room. That is what the modern world seems to be striving for-capitalism. This might also explain why in the last twenty years or so there was so much emphasis and media circus around who the richest what-what is in the world.
This world is all ours and not for a nation that thinks that landing on the moon or having the most nukes is all that there is to have power. We all have our own kitchen national security nonsense’s but hey some countries are like fire star hotels.
Freedom is more than invading other countries. You can wear a suit and come rob my house with your hair combed electric high, but coming by my window is no excuse for me to guess who came for dinner or otherwise. Foreign affairs has always been my curiosity and you can only wonder if foreign affairs entails that critical fabric of freedom.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Only you……..
Now and then we need little angels in our life to keep us going and sometimes our angels don’t come with aviation bowing 747 advancement. Your angel can be the one person or one thing you despise most.
I wish I could tell you what you have been told before that ‘don’t think about tomorrow or take each day as it comes’ to be able to be aware of those angelic moments in our lifetime, but hey if you don’t think about tomorrow you would probably wear your tie in the car and spit toothpaste out by the car window.
Instead of being told to mediate sitting on a stone with your eyes closed humming your throat to a tune and only to eat nuts for lunch to be aware of your intuition, instincts or spiritual angle to approach life , I say do what makes you okay. Seven steps to some nonsense manual will only make you run to a drug store.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Step up to the plate.
Not everyone like the hot rush delicacy to taste a Jamaican spice or an Indian chili enough to get you a tongue transplant if there is any. Given all the buffets and fancy meals, at the end of the day how does it affect us viewers? I mean we are tortured to watch fry pan camera angles from the television while having a sandwich still wearing sleeping gowns.
What happened to buying a cooking book? Though I can attest that being a male the recipes in the cooking book tend to become little Greek, the option is a good one.
We are in a world where you can yoga stretch while at the backyard of your house in your little organic garden for a meal or hooting down the drive through, you make the choice!!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Loving you.
You might not light the room red or all that stuffs, but you know you can go all the way with just love. I mean love is one of the sanest things that qualify more sense to our every day’s lives no matter what. Love is greater than all of us.
Tear the torn and apart goes all the freedom. Had the rare compassion to tell all that but to what would help? We share streets and meet at the end of the road but broad as it gets I complete concrete blocks stepping on my feet just to see that lovely face. I sit sweet to bite my nails hoping that none of this would fail and I would live to tell to no avail.
Dream what seem impossible but seeing you lean so innocent on my lap-oh boy-heaven knows what would happen if you could just…
It has been a long time coming though for a while I stood patient for your heart to beat so much to what I thought would be a perfect moment.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Green or Greed?
Yes! You can opt to go 'green' and stay as much loyal to that idea but there is still a wealthy mine mogul who digs the world cash, a motor industry with reputation of perfection and it does not run with a vegetable.
You would think that few degrees enough to make the planet a bakery would change the world for better, instead the sales in the rich society for air conditioners increases- just so pathetic!!!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Everybody wants to rule the world.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Dreams are surprising!!
Sometimes we are the strangers to our own world, so much hostage to our own hearts that the mind is always suspicious of our thoughts.You choose what goes an extra mile for your day.
You can sit in a bar and watch the world walks over you with all the cocktails when you know better that your passion drives the crazy best out of your sweat.The bits and pieces, bullets and boots of this world does not matter where you go to sleep, sometimes we can't all live up to the legacy as humanity.Our reputations sustains nothing next to what any politics would entail.Capitalist would attest to that.
Interesting merits of goodwill was the basis of sentimental morale to opt for what we thought was right in the experiences brought through reason.Choices is one of the most powerful decision to make that drives the world,ethical or not it really does not matter,does it?
I mean all you have to do is to convince a bunch of politicians,first it was abortion, prostitution and before you know it all we will be cloning people in our own public facilities- clinics.I guess if you can twist the right arms you can roll out the ethics question out of many equations.Yes without some of the laws that govern us the world would be chaotic right at you feet, yet where do we draw the line?
Friday, June 26, 2009
Moon walking.
This morning when i woke up my morning sms was a dark cloud about Michael Jackson's death. due to the freezing weather i slept and thought maybe i had too much not sleep off last night.
I don't know what and how the world will remember him, but the guy was a legend. Flexible to moon walk and leave you 'thrilled' and what better way to do it than rocking your world.Rest in peace.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It is not only true when you discover your deepest search, sometimes it is the little things that makes the difference. When the anxiety catches up to your thoughts like the blade rush of adrenalin to your head, there are little things that you cannot do. More of which consciousness is not a factor. Most elements of who we are and why we do certain things come to the earliest opportunity of natural order. Order that surpasses any state of the art economical power or any politics of such diverse sort. How pathetic is the world that has lost its motive to achieve and strive for eternal peace .I only tempt not to think what monstrous reputation the world maps beyond oceans and skies. Life is so much more than all us, more than any national flag that might entail any science and destruction.
Blood lines might rule the earth to its worth, but leadership is greater than the force of such legacy.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Though some might argue that criticism can be a degree to which we can create little room of improvement, no offence to that channel, but there should be a limit to how much criticism one receives if the motive is for the improvement.
While I try to avoid being such an Einstein about the issue, I am going to be ‘cynical’ about it- criticism is not always the best thing that happens , more like an electric chair.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Time management.
Most of us have tried the most overated time tracker-the diary.But it is also a time demanding work unless you have enough cash to get a personal assistant.
With the narrowing down of options, i fail to clearly point out a stand out solution to time management.You can always do what works for you.If you can study for test a night ere rather than a week afore, then go for it.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Colour Blind Blend.
When you are married shopping is even harder ,you must deal with your lady and your kid who seem to have not received a candy vaccine to treat all that tantrums.I for one couldn't have learnt any better.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Rhytmic kick!!
My idea of a chit chat is not having to nod my head and say "yah" or "oh" whenever someone talks.Communication is thus a very vital element of our society.You just don't need to talk, put some muscle to your words.
You can be electric about it and knock some sense to every word you might utter next time./
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Pause and loss!
I come from the west to see the highest human hatred instinct.I saw the African face from its bone.I've felt no judgement than a statement.I've seen man mullish and foolish to polish their egos.I feel like i am lost amongst the most ghosts,you run to them for nought.
There is none to come from blood.Where do i end with these pains.I have no vivid portrait of this nude miracle,but i know how to walk around a circle of a chronicle.
Where is the caring world? The bars mark scars of infinite description in our eyes.Are we people and is life that simple for us and the crippled little doors?
We all have a motive to achieve,but we deceive our faith by wanting to receive.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Why I love being a South African……………..

In what element of existence did our politics became a ritual to portray vengeance and how politically divided people are? While all these politicians lock horns in parliament,
the poorest of the poor suffer. Sure the last few years of democracy haven’t been easy for anyone-crime, vocal talents of weaponry song and the silver bullet for the judiciary- not easy scenery to attest to I guess. But all of us must work towards for the better country that those who fought for it wanted it to be. It is of no coincidence with the interesting choice of words that our politicians use these days-“kill” and “eliminate”.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Swine flu.
I have seen thermal photos taken from various airports and i am not really sure how effective that is for trying to isolate people infected with this flu. I just hope things can get better at the earliest threshold.
Friday, April 24, 2009
List of five things you should know about "neighbouring"
2.Obviously they don't share a kitchen with you, so just be careful that you are not a neighbour to a mini crack factory.
3. Oh yah! about your kids, rather chain their bicycles to the gate so that their radar is limited to few yards, with kids you never know.There are lot of Uncle 'Bunnies' and 'snack' name personalities you woulnd't even find such brands in any Chinese market.
4.You dont to raise a flag on top of the roof-leave the patriotism in your study room,unless you own a military lab.Find other ways to communicate.
5.I think it is usually in Hollywood's where Spielberg depicts neighbours giving a new neighbour a fish dish or a pink cake, but come on, on this global economic meltdown you wouldn't even afford to give away pasta.No offence to the morale behind that,but digging deep into a pocket is worth too much.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
goin once!, twice! and the answer is sold
Yesterday South Africans went to the polls.I had an intention not to cast my share of exercising the democratic right.But patriotism got to my head with extreme temptation and desparation when i compared what my country has been through.
Fifteen minutes before closure of the voting stations i decided against all the cynical perceptions and casted my own.It was an amazing feeling marking the ballot,i then realised that voting is an important part of our democracy.I love my country.
It doesn't matter if congress is called cabinet in here or a traffic light a robot.That makes me proud and i am willing to vote everytime there is an election.I think that was one political bluff about my country.This is enough afore i spill the beans and hang the carpets against my flag.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Maybe the biggest is fear is growing grey and not be able to even see the hair you are losing on the pillow when your face is a GPS graphiti, who cares? I just don’t want a fifteen centimeters Botox syringe that looks like a vaccination syringe for a cow in my face.
I would rather opt for a healthy lifestyle, only if I could leave the television and the couch. Healthy lifestyle is hard and challenging. But it is good to start now or else you will be running mini marathons from the kitchen to the porch when you are sixty five.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Who said that was boring!
Whichever sport keeps you on the peak, good for you. Some people would rather watch a man hitting a ball for a six outside a cricket ground or watch a bunch of guys who has a muscles larger than their kitchen sink play rugby.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Naive and she has got some nerve.
Sometimes we need faith, a contradictory element in what science aims to achieve. So it is better to live and do what we do this days- eat fast foods, not go to the gym and call your wife while you are on sofa for a sandwich at half-time and do all the errands.
By errand I don’t mean chasing after unidentified flying objects (UFO’s) or hunting ghosts in an 18th century mansion that only needs decoration as opposed to the paranormal activities that people hunt with a thermal camera.
Believers are so keen of the possibility of life on a planet other than ours. It’s like Halloween party, except that they expect advanced technology and intelligence out of all this. I mean if the aliens are making crop-circles like believers do believe, why don’t they share their artistry with their graphiti on a wall in New York?
By the way don’t get me started on Vampires-the only vampires we know at the moment are female mosquitoes, keep it that way and leave all the monster toys under the bed.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Against the ropes
Well i say call it the way you feel like it is.I mean somedays you just wake up like you have been hit by a garbage truck or Ali gave you some hard blows.That is how you should feel and express yourself, not some over the calendar hypothetical guinea pig perceptions which equates to nothing less but to a statistic.
Oh yah!! it sounds cynical,well it is not by any degree.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
too much often
Have you ever missed someone so much that you wouldn't care if their grandfather owned a Jurassic park or they have a custom party on Wednesday afternoon.The love you have when words ladder your tongue with sentences that can only make you feel surprised of the soft thoughts that human beings have when in love.
The sorrow in the morning ululation of the mothers who wear dark when all that they now have is loneliness.The scary feeling of wanting solace.The dreams of enchanted red on the wood that has no logic whatsoever.The rain that makes you pick a shovel and cement your heart with a desire to see the height of honour ere a cheated life.
Tears of wonder and fear mother my emotions like another life that i want to live after.
i just thought it would be better if a write poem to ease the weekend ahead and i hope you enjoy it though there is more of an elemental emotionality on it.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Apt and Opt,Choices are made ready!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Possibility of an African child.
I think it is about their planning and economical consciousness about money.I mean if they break up in a relationship it's either a song or a moving picture that pockets millions from every flag on earth, maybe except Cuba. They make their country a place of possibility.Why can't we?
Where i come from you can write a book and not get published until a termite mound grows on it. How about making a film and the only award it gets is being the most pirated movie.
I will not suddenly turn into an American, i am an African and that makes me proud.We dig Gold and all this fancy raw materials and in few months we buy jewellery at a fat price of what we owned beneath,that's bad.We suppress our health systems by spending a million on a Christmas party in a hospital whereas you can't even point a single syringe in the theatre .Lets make Africa a better place so that what we face in the future might come at an easy pace that would opportune our kids to a better future.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
week or really weak?
I mean we live in an age where i am expected to know so much to be able to deliver anything of substance when we take on the cooperate world of waking up at 4 am in the morning to share an office with a stranger. I wish i could say," this not what they taught me a medical school". LIFE is even better because the best person is you.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
'my heart and the money'
Hey wake up and smell the perfume afore you buy the wrong roses, things are happening out there.If Valentine was a pot of copper at the end of the rainbow, then i cant blame you things are finacially hectic this days.
I'ts one of those time where you buy grocery and walk out of the mall like you were gambling.Where the only brand food that you can buy is generic, it is very hectic.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
cage or age?
The bucket list is always longer.Try getting a Botox injection, for what it is worth, only try it when the toiletry bag next to your 40 inch mirror cant work.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
So not typical of you!!!!!!!!!!!
Shame! He probably wants to formulate a Greek dictionary to an equation.
2. A farmer wearing a lab coat
He would have to own a cloning barnyard first.
3. a president with corruption charges
Typical of politicians, don’t get me started on the ward counselor.
4. He got me a car for Valentine
Oh! That he doesn’t have male friends.
5. Antibiotics or affirmative action
Try telling that to your boss when you insured with a homeopathic medicine.
6. He came back in the morning
So I have heard, they have opened a nasty club around the corner.
7. Ten reasons why you shouldn’t eat beans
Do I real have to say it; well it cost more gas to walk to the station than opening a window.
Monday, February 16, 2009
my teacher is a student
One thing funny about all this happens. When parents get old they need our support and caring, but with this so called life of ours we send them to hospices and wait to collect them with a casket, an unfortunate part I guess. The best necessity about the love of someone is just loving without conditional ideology tainted with perceived beliefs of no logical sense on no common basis of love that we know. Keeping it that way as simple as it gets is a rocket science lesson as much as I know
Monday, February 9, 2009
Excuse me! privy
Call it whatever you might see it as, but this status thing needs a whole lot more of management to help separate privacy from the life that people always see on the tabloids.
I know it wouldn’t be a royal quest to see the outside of a castle through bars, but life is whole lot better if you have so much freedom and your privacy not compromised.
Take for instances, the last time you listened to the radio you heard that ‘who is divorcing who’ or ‘who can’t manage her weight’. It’s outrageous who cares if I weigh more than a fifty pound pig?
Friday, February 6, 2009
Ballot or bullet?
It is by no mere doubt that our country that we have always been patriotic to is facing a foreign affairs crisis that reflects home on the money that tax payers had to pay to fund a war that had no critical logic to start with in the first place. An invisible war that equate only to nothing less but scandals and scams associated with the multi billions arms deal.
Against all the criticism and credibility in the face of a cynical political perceptions that stains negative influence to the success of our country and our people, we can make the right choice by exercising the ever inevitable choice to vote for change.
The ideology of domination that empowers bullies and scurrilous acts out of immoral injustice should be condemned to bring new administration that values the ideology of free speech and choice to all whom wish to express themselves to all accordance irrespective of a particular political sphere .
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I thought that happiness was about loving, caring and all the emotionality towards it, irrespective of status.Today it is a whole new ball game,the economic world of democratic revolution and resolutions has become very much conducive to capitalists.So i could be filthy rich and just pay a joy transaction and usually suffer the lack of moral entitlement from other people whom you feel you don't belong to now.Money can't buy love but it sure can buy lot of diamond carats,trust me on that one.
Loving is one of the best thing that this world needs, you don't become a humanitarian case because your 'president' calls your country his patriotic 'own' led by dictatorship whilst your stomach groans with a crisis.One element that stands out when loving is mentioned is sharing.Except the insane ideologyof chronic ignorance how on earth can one imply sharing power when his dominancy cause havoc?
Happiness seems to come at a hefty price but for others the y might pay with more than just li fe!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Change we want!
Today being the inauguration to the presidency one could only hope for change in Africa and maybe the renewal of vows between the west and the east.I might lose my hair whilst scratching my head about this change.What change do you want?Here are some few common ones:
- NO silence for a man who claims that cholera crisis is a foreign attack from the west ,who else but the bad boy of African politics.
- On the American radar basis bringing the the troops from Iraq back home would be considered by many as an achievement correcting a war prompted by simply oil and a war that George Bush's father lost to Saddam.
- Saving the economic sinking ship is a very critical thing for America that needs change, that's if not the stimulus packages don't run into debts with the reckless Wall street.
- On a humorous degree maybe having Osama as a defence consultative on explosives and terroristic attack management in the White house team would do some change.
Jokes aside, hope this is really the new change that we all have been waiting for and good luck to president Barrack Obama.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The economy in your wallet
While CEO's and investors seems to be taking too much of painkillers to survive their losses we at the basic side of economy suffer the high price of food and who knows what -just anything that has a price tag!
As much as Wall street is still crawling and motor industries caught in the sport,bailouts will be the badge brand for rescue packages.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009
poetry:with possibility
The concept of ingenious articulation that mask predicaments by innermost morals of much period honouring the greatest war whom our forefathers fought and be smothered by the gun powder until their bones,when the fury o f their spears led into glory when it dawns.
Artistry of a woman who bears her voice in the chandelier prime to shine over the damp words of whispers in the dark delight of all that envy her beauty.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
patriotism amidst politics